
On Sunday 30th January we met with the leaders of Kainliu and Lospalos groups (sadly no one from Fuat could attend as a gastro virus had swept through the village). This meeting was the first time the groups had come together under the banner of CTKDS at our new office. It was a wonderful time to celebrate new developments. We discussed the notion of sustainability, the results of the evaluation we did together in January and also presented a new organizational structure. The structure focuses on capacity and network development across key areas of governance, agriculture, health, literacy, market diversification, creative industries, tourism and microfinance. Two to three members from each of the three women’s groups who constitute CTKDS will form ‘member clusters’ with delegated authority and responsibility for the delivery and management of a specific stream. Member clusters from each group will participate in training and skills development within their specific program stream (governance, microfinance, agriculture, health, literacy, market diversification, creative industries and tourism). The organizational structure and program delivery model centralizes training and skills development across each of these key program areas to provide broad development outcomes for the women and their communities. It will improve the capacity of our rural members to self-manage their groups and programs in the long-term. The ideas were accepted with delight by the groups, with one member commenting that they have been dreaming that something like this would happen.

Groups leaders meeting, CTKDS office, Jan 2011

We’ve developed training resources for the different ‘member clusters’ that will be delegated from each group to focus on specific programs. These resources include pictures that correspond with different ideas and concepts (I spent hours on the net looking for clipart!). We’ll be using these resources during our formation meeting planned for next Wed 24th Feb (my birthday ;-). The pictures will support participation of women who have low literacy or haven’t had formal education. Check out the documents and resources page for some docs of interest.

Back in Lospalos

After a break with my family in Aus over Xmas, I came back to Timor on 17th Jan. It’s amazing what we’ve managed to achieve in just over one month! Compared to the latter part of 2010, this year could not be more different. Working alongside Elsa Di Oliveira is the difference. Our emerging motto is ‘new-year, new programs, new staff; new house, new rules, new hope!’. Even though during the first six months of 2010 we managed to achieve much, this year feels like we are flying!

Already we’ve developed interim plans, reviewed the CTKDS Constitution, had evaluation meetings with each group, met with the leaders of the groups to review and present the new organizational structure and program plans. I’ve written up and submitted an AusAid grant and we’ve brainstormed ways to improve governance and performance of the groups and CTKDS. This year will be structured and professional and I’m feeling incredibly positive about the future for CTKDS. We’ve also had a meeting with the District Liaison Officer from the NGO forum and a visit from AusAid staff and local journalists. Amazing achievements in just four weeks!

Not long after arriving in Jan, I moved into a new house. It’s a big old cement building in a great spot on the main road not far before the iconic Lospalos bridge, so it’s easy to find. The space is also CTKDS’s interim base here in Lospalos; with 5 bedrooms and a large verandah perfect for meetings. The two bedrooms off the verandah serve as our office and sewing room and others inside the house allow us to accommodate visitors. The owners are lovely and have given us permission to build a traditional verandah for the women to spin, dye and weave and they’re also supporting us to start a garden on the land in between the house and the main road. As the owners are from Lospalos and Luru, many of their family are members of CTKDS so they’ve been happily participating and helping out. The house is furnished so we don’t need much except a few more chairs and things for the kitchen. I must thank the previous tenant Gillian Howell for leaving a few things behind for us to use! I also would like to thank the boys at Verupu-puk for looking after me last year.

Visit from AusAid and Local Journalists

Chefe Lospalos Group, media interview Feb 2011

Beginning Friday the 11th Feb, AusAid staff and four journalists from local newspapers and national radio spent three days in Lospalos to find out about CTKDS and my work as an AVI. Our preparation was rather rushed as we were only given two days notice but 26 women came from the three weaving groups and as usual, they were incredibly organised and welcomed the media team with poise and professionalism. On Saturday morning, the groups ran weaving and dyeing demonstrations and cooked a beautiful lunch. After a rest in the afternoon, interviews began. I was first followed by one woman from each group and then finally Elsa. We all conquered our nerves and spoke with clarity about our aims and dreams. The radio segment went to air on Tuesday the 17th Feb and print media ran the story this week.